Edward Gibbon
British historian
Lived from: 1737 - 1794
Category: History and sociology Country: United Kingdom
Born: 8 may 1737 Died: 16 january 1794
Quotes 1 till 20 of 27.
A heart to resolve, a head to contrive, and a hand to execute.
― Edward Gibbon -
All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance.
― Edward Gibbon -
Beauty is an outward gift, which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused.
― Edward Gibbon -
Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our mind the minds of sages and heroes.
― Edward Gibbon -
Corruption, the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty.
― Edward Gibbon -
Fanaticism obliterates the feelings of humanity.
― Edward Gibbon -
History is little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind.
― Edward Gibbon -
I am indeed rich, since my income is superior to my expenses, and my expense is equal to my wishes.
― Edward Gibbon -
I sighed as a lover, I obeyed as a son.
― Edward Gibbon -
I understand by this passion the union of desire, friendship, and tenderness, which is inflamed by a single female, which prefers her to the rest of her sex, and which seeks her possession as the supreme or the sole happiness of our being.
― Edward Gibbon -
I was never less alone than when by myself.
― Edward Gibbon -
It has always been my practice to cast a long paragraph in a single mould, to try it by my ear, to deposit it in my memory, but to suspend the action of the pen till I had given the last polish to my work.
― Edward Gibbon -
My early and invincible love of reading I would not exchange for all the riches of India.
― Edward Gibbon -
My English text is chaste, and all licentious passages are left in the obscurity of a learned language.
― Edward Gibbon -
Our sympathy is cold to the relation of distant misery.
― Edward Gibbon -
Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive.
― Edward Gibbon -
Style is the image of character.
― Edward Gibbon -
The author himself is the best judge of his own performance; none has so deeply meditated on the subject; none is so sincerely interested in the event.
― Edward Gibbon -
The courage of a soldier is found to be the cheapest and most common quality of human nature.
― Edward Gibbon -
The laws of probability, so true in general, so fallacious in particular.
― Edward Gibbon
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