Francois René de Chateaubriand
French poet, writer and politician
Lived from: 1768 - 1848
Category: Politics | Writers (Contemporary) | Poets (Contemporary) Country: France
Born: 4 september 1768 Died: 4 july 1848
Quotes 1 till 6 of 6.
Perfect works are rare, because they must be produced at the happy moment when taste and genius unite; and this rare conjuncture, like that of certain planets, appears to occur only after the revolution of several cycles, and only lasts for an instant.
― Francois René de Chateaubriand -
Aristocracy has three successive ages. First superiority s, then privileges and finally vanities. Having passed from the first, it degenerates in the second and dies in the third.
― Francois René de Chateaubriand -
Let us not disdain glory too much; nothing is finer, except virtue. The height of happiness would be to unite both in this life.
― Francois René de Chateaubriand -
One does not learn how to die by killing others.
― Francois René de Chateaubriand -
Without taste genius is only a sublime kind of folly. That sure touch which the lyre gives back the right note and nothing more, is even a rarer gift than the creative faculty itself.
― Francois René de Chateaubriand -
You are not superior just because you see the world in an odious light.
― Francois René de Chateaubriand
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