Quotes by H. Rap Brown

H. Rap Brown

H. Rap Brown

American activist

Lived from: 1943 -

Category: Politics | Writers (Contemporary) Country: FlagUnited States

Born: 4 october 1943

Quotes 1 till 7 of 7.

  • I consider myself neither legally nor morally bound to obey the laws made by a body in which I have no representation.
    H. Rap Brown
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  • Individuals do not create rebellions; conditions do.
    H. Rap Brown
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  • See, it's no in between: you're either free or you're a slave.
    H. Rap Brown
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  • The man does not beat your head because you got a Cadillac or because you got a Ford; he beats you because you're black!
    H. Rap Brown
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  • There's no such thing as second class citizenship. That's like telling me you can be a little bit pregnant.
    H. Rap Brown
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  • They cannot divide us by saying that you're middle class or you're lower class.
    H. Rap Brown
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  • You cannot legislate an attitude.
    H. Rap Brown
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