James Russell Lowell
American Romantic poet, critic, editor, and diplomat
Lived from: 1819 - 1891
Category: Media | Poets (Contemporary) Country: United States
Born: 22 february 1819 Died: 12 august 1891
Quotes 1 till 20 of 72.
There is no good arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat.
― James Russell Lowell -
Every person born into this world their work is born with them.
― James Russell Lowell -
I have always been of the mind that in a democracy manners are the only effective weapons against the bowie-knife.
― James Russell Lowell -
A great man is made up of qualities that meet or make great occasions.
― James Russell Lowell -
A reading machine, always wound up and going, he mastered whatever was not worth the knowing.
― James Russell Lowell -
A sneer is the weapon of the weak.
― James Russell Lowell -
A wise scepticism is the first attribute of a good critic.
― James Russell Lowell -
A wise skepticism is the first attribute of a good critic.
― James Russell Lowell -
An appeal to the reason of the people has never been known to fail in the long run.
― James Russell Lowell -
As life runs on, the road grows strange with faces new - and near the end. The milestones into headstones change, Neath every one a friend.
― James Russell Lowell -
Blessed are they who have nothing to say, and who cannot be persuaded to say it.
― James Russell Lowell -
Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind.
― James Russell Lowell -
But life is sweet, though all that makes it sweet. Lessen like sound of friends departing feet; And death is beautiful as feet of friend. Coming with welcome at our journey's end.
― James Russell Lowell -
Communism means barbarism.
― James Russell Lowell -
Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof; it is temporary expedient, often wise in party politics, almost sure to be unwise ;in statesmanship.
― James Russell Lowell -
Democracy give every man the right to be his own oppressor.
― James Russell Lowell -
Endurance is the crowning quality...
― James Russell Lowell -
Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.
― James Russell Lowell -
Folks never understand the folks they hate.
― James Russell Lowell -
Fortune is the rod of the weak, and the staff of the brave.
― James Russell Lowell
All James Russell Lowell famous quotes and sayings you will always find on greatest-quotations.com