Quotes by Jung Chang

Jung Chang

Chinese-born British writer

Lived from: 1952 -

Category: Writers (Contemporary) Country: FlagChina

Born: 15 march 1952

Quotes 1 till 5 of 5.

  • Although my book is banned I am still allowed to go to China and travel. There is no longer the kind of control that Mao used to have-there have been deep fundamental changes in society.
    Jung Chang
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  • I think because of their terrible past, particularly this century, the Chinese have come to accept cruelty more than many other people, which is something I feel very unhappy about.
    Jung Chang
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  • If you have love, even plain cold water is sweet.
    Source: Wild Swans (2008) 38
    Jung Chang
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  • When a man gets power, even his chickens and dogs rise to heaven.
    Source: Wild Swans (2008) 147
    Jung Chang
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  • While I was writing Wild Swans I thought the famine was the result of economic mismanagement but during the research I realised that it was something more sinister.
    Jung Chang
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