Quotes by Maurice Blanchot

Maurice Blanchot

Maurice Blanchot

French writer and philosopher

Lived from: 1907 - 2003

Category: Philosophers | Writers (Contemporary) Country: FlagFrance

Born: 22 september 1907 Died: 20 february 2003

Quotes 1 till 3 of 3.

  • A writer never reads his work. For him, it is the unreadable, a secret, and he cannot remain face to face with it. A secret, because he is separated from it.
    Maurice Blanchot
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  • Lovers of painting and lovers of music are people who openly display their preference like a delectable ailment that isolates them and makes them proud.
    Maurice Blanchot
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  • To write is to make oneself the echo of what cannot cease speaking - and since it cannot, in order to become its echo I have, in a way, to silence it. I bring to this incessant speech the decisiveness, the authority of my own silence.
    Maurice Blanchot
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