Susan Sontag
American writer, filmmaker, teacher, and political activist
Lived from: 1933 - 2004
Category: Politics | Writers (Contemporary) Country: United States
Born: 16 january 1933 Died: 28 december 2004
Quotes 1 till 6 of 6.
Ours is a culture based on excess, on overproduction; the result is a steady loss of sharpness in our sensory experience. All the conditions of modern life - its material plenitude, its sheer crowdedness - conjoin to dull our sensory faculties.
― Susan Sontag -
In most modern instances, interpretation amounts to the philistine refusal to leave the work of art alone. Real art has the capacity to make us nervous. By reducing the work of art to its content and then interpreting that, one tames the work of art. Interpretation makes art manageable, conformable.
― Susan Sontag -
Jews and homosexuals are the outstanding creative minorities in contemporary urban culture. Creative, that is, in the truest sense: they are creators of sensibilities. The two pioneering forces of modern sensibility are Jewish moral seriousness and homosexual aestheticism and irony.
― Susan Sontag -
Much of modern art is devoted to lowering the threshold of what is terrible. By getting us used to what, formerly, we could not bear to see or hear, because it was too shocking, painful, or embarrassing, art changes morals.
― Susan Sontag -
Perversity is the muse of modern literature.
― Susan Sontag -
With the modern diseases (once TB, now cancer) the romantic idea that the disease expresses the character is invariably extended to assert that the character causes the disease - because it has not expressed itself. Passion moves inward, striking and blighting the deepest cellular recesses.
― Susan Sontag
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