• Tallulah Bankhead Let's not quibble! I'm the foe of moderation, the champion of excess. If I may lift a line from a die-hard whose identity is lost in the shuffle, ''I'd rather be strongly wrong than weakly right.''
    Tallulah Bankhead
    American actress 1903-1968
    - +
Tallulah Bankhead - Let's not quibble! I'm the foe of moderation, the champion of excess. If I may lift a line from a die-hard whose identity is lost in the shuffle, ''I'd rather be strongly wrong than weakly right.''
Let's not quibble! I'm the foe of moderation, the champion of excess. If I may lift a line from a die-hard whose identity is lost in the shuffle, ''I'd rather be strongly wrong than weakly right.'' by : Tallulah Bankhead
lake-forest forest hills-sunrise mountains-with-lake plant-drops purple-flower river-forest road-with-clouds sky-stars straat-stad sun-over-waterfall yellow-wheat z-love-children-sun z-love-geliefdes-zon z-love-hands-sun z-love-hands z-love-leaves z-love-parijs z-love-small-hearts z-love-zwanen

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lake-forest Let's not quibble! I'm the foe of moderation, the champion of excess. If I may lift a line from a die-hard whose identity is lost in the shuffle, ''I'd rather be strongly wrong than weakly right.''
- Tallulah Bankhead Greatest-Quotations.com